My latest pose for myyogaonline
Upavistha Konasana (Wide Angled Seated Forward Bend)
- Stretches Adductor muscles of the groin
- Stretches Hamstring muscles
- Strengthens
the supportive musculature of the spine
- Encourages activation of the core
- Traditionally thought to increase blood flow to the pelvis, keeping it healthy
- Low Back Pain: Sit up on a block or blanket, high enough that you can maintain the natural curve of your low back. When you are folding forward, use your hands for support on the floor. If you cannot safely enter and exit the pose without pain, it is not appropriate for you.
- Sacroiliac Joint Pain: If you have been diagnosed with Sacroiliac Joint pain, avoid wide legged poses until the pain subsides. Return with caution, using your core to support you.
- Pregnancy: The hormone Relaxin causes the bones of the pelvis to be more mobile that usual. Take your legs slightly less than 90 degrees, and gently lift and support the pelvic floor muscles (a Kiegel) to prevent unnecessary shearing in the pubic symphis. Do not allow your stomach to be compressed against the floor.
(oo-pah-VEESH-tah cone-AHS-anna)
upavistha = seated, sitting
kona = angle
1. Sit with your legs open to a 90 degree angle (with your pelvis in the centre). Flex your feet to align the knees, toes pointing up to the sky. If you feel your pelvis rocking back, or a loss of the curve in the low back, sit up on some height, allowing the pelvis to tilt forward.
2. Place the finger tips on the floor behind your hips. Inhale, drawing the sides of the body long, creating space in the spine. Stay here if you are feeling a stretch in the legs.
3. To move deeper, first support your low back using your core musculature. Draw the muscles of the pelvic floor gently upward (the same muscles you use to stop and start the flow of urine). Draw the lower abdomen gently in.
4. Start to walk the hands out in front of you, slowly, using your breath as a guide. Keep the spine long and lead with the heart. Stop when you feel you have reached a challenging but sustainable position. Rather than trying to get closer to the earth, imagine growing longer through the spine.
5. Advanced: If you are able to bring your chest to the earth, you may wish to reach for your ankles or feet. Keep your core muscles drawing in. If you are hovering above the floor, use a supportive prop to avoid straining the Sacroiliac Joints and the lumbar spine.
6. Breathe comfortably.
7. To exit the pose, reconnect with your core, and slowly walk the hands back towards your body. Use your hands to gently bend the knees, and bring the legs back together.
Modifications / Cautions
- Knee Discomfort / Inability to straighten legs: Place a rolled up blanket or towel under the bend in each knee for support.
- If you are in between the stage of supporting your self with your hands, and allowing your torso to meet the floor, use a bolster to rest your torso on, or a block for your forehead but ensure you are supporting your low back by gently contracting your lower belly.
- Avoid rounding the lumbar spine to avoid stress on the discs between the vertebrae.
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