Dear Dr Armstrong;
I have an ankle that has been sprained a number of times, most
recently this past summer. It's a long-term weakness I'd like to try
and improve while/as I rehab from the last incident.
Just wondered if you saw any particular poses as being of most benefit.

A myyogaonline subscriber from Kelowna
Thanks for your email. Here are a few suggestions to try out.
When we sprain our ankles (an injury to the ligaments surrounding the joints) there are two major problems that result: a decrease in proprioception (the sense of where our ankle is in space), and a decrease in range of motion due to swelling, scar tissue, and pain limitations.
Balance poses standing on one foot are excellent to aid in proprioception that is probably diminished as you recover. In particular, balance poses where you are transitioning from one movement to the next. For example moving from Tree pose / Vrksasana (one foot on opposite shin or thigh, knee out to side) to Warrior III pose / Virabhadrasana III (hinged at waist, leg extended behind you).
Also poses that increase the range of motion will benefit you:
- Downward dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana to lengthen calves
- Fierce pose a.k.a chair pose / Utkatasana to lengthen calves and increase dorsi flexion
- Standing poses such as Triangle / Trikonasana, warrior I, or II to stengthen and lengthen the sides of the ankle (being sure to root down with the outer foot)
- Hero pose / Virasana (sitting in a kneeling position, most people would need one or more blocks under the seat or a folded blanket to give more height) being mindful that your knees are pain free in this pose.
- Lunges with the back toes turned under will also challenge the range of motion and your blance at the same time.
Good luck in your recovery, I hope this helps.
To learn more about Dr. Robin, and her yoga therapy offerings in Vancouver, visit